The Success Nuggets
Welcome to "The Success Nuggets" podcast, where we bring you quick, actionable insights in a few minutes. I'm your host, David Abel, Founder of The Digital Lightbulb.
In our first season, "Patterns of Progress," we'll explore the habits and patterns that drive lasting success across various fields.
No fluff, just the essence of success with our incredible guests.
Big Ideas in a bite-size format.
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The Success Nuggets
Success Nuggets #30 - Reprogramming the Mind For Success with Mike Radoor
Ever wondered what it takes to be truly "above average"? Join us on the Success Nuggets podcast as we sit down with Mike Radoor, a powerhouse entrepreneur and inspiring coach who has turned the fashion and fitness industries on their heads.
Mike shares the secrets behind his impressive journey, highlighting how anyone can rise above mediocrity by adopting the mindsets and habits of top performers. We tackle the fears and societal hurdles that often keep us stuck, while Mike dishes out actionable advice on self-awareness, continuous learning, and adapting communication styles to connect with diverse perspectives.
Whether you're looking to excel in your career or maintain a harmonious family life, this episode offers insights that could reshape your path.
In a heartfelt recount of his own transformation, Mike opens up about his evolution from a fear-driven entrepreneur to a coach who thrives on unlocking potential in others. He shares the life-altering role of neuroplasticity in reprogramming his thoughts and self-talk, revealing that love and positivity are at the core of his life values.
Discover how activities like boxing keep him pushing boundaries, and get a sneak peek into his exciting collaboration with Joe Foster on a book that encapsulates stories of transformation. Mike leaves us with a compelling golden nugget: the brain is reprogrammable, and with intentional effort, anyone can craft a life of fulfilment and success.
Tune in to uncover the mindset shifts that could propel you to new heights.
Special thanks to One Golden Nugget and Maxwell Preece for production support and conversation editing.
Thank you about the patterns that drive progress. Get ready to dive into a world of insights and inspiration. This is the Success Nuggets podcast, with the founder of the Digital Lightbulb and your host, david Abel.
Speaker 3:Welcome back. In the last 15 years, my next guest has successfully grown and exited fashion and fitness brands and is now scaling a life of fulfillment With leaders and teams. He's urging others to be above average. Mike Raddor, welcome to the show.
Speaker 2:Thank you, david. Thank you, man, I'm excited.
Speaker 3:Mike, I want to jump in at the deep end. Have you always been above average?
Speaker 2:I think that's a relative statement, isn't it? No, of course not. What is average. Average is the majority, that's the average. So it's a mathematical equation. So what the majority does is average, and then you have the minorities, and that can either be below or above.
Speaker 3:So how do you get people to become above average?
Speaker 2:It's many areas right, but you look at whatever you are going to go forward with and you figure out what is the average and you figure out what is the above average and you figure out what is the below average and then you do everything you can possibly as much as you can to get that minority to become a part of you. This is a very tangible example. You have a sales department, you have the average sales results, you have the below average sales results and you have those top 5% that is above average. So to get those top 5%, you need to adapt their behaviors, you need to adapt their thinking patterns, you need to adapt their belief systems, you need to adapt their ways of doing it, you need to breathe like them, you need to talk like them and in that process you will develop your above average right and, if you are extremely good, you will become number one.
Speaker 3:You explain it so simply. It really is a case of the performance metrics and one step at a time. But if it is so simple, why are people so uptight or insecure about not only their goals but, I think, other people's goals as well?
Speaker 2:I believe it's human behavior, it's defense mechanisms, it is survival mechanisms, it is the fear, it's the illusion of what can go wrong. It's the fear of not being accepted or a part of a tribe. So you know, if you go 10,000 years back, 20,000 years back, 30,000 years back, we will see that what is actually one of our strongest survival mechanisms is today one of them that hurts us the most, which is I need to belong, I need to be like everyone else, because 20,000 years back and the brain hasn't changed for one second since then, but the society has At that time, if you were not accepted, if you were expelled from your tribe, that was life and death. So we fear, by default, the unknown. We fear what we can't see. We activate the akhmudala and all the emotional centers there when we can't predict things. So it's because of fear.
Speaker 3:Transcending fear. How do people kind of unplug from fear?
Speaker 2:They will have to go through a self-aware process, they will have to go through some self-insights, they have to realize that the basic belief of how life should be lived so my foundational belief is life should be lived loud, tested, tested to the limits, and that's the only way you can improve it. When you go to the extremes and you figure out okay, that wasn't it. But luckily here life is not. You know, you have to really go down a wrong path to die. But let's say, in business and career, you will never die. You will never die unless you, of course, treat your body very bad and so on.
Speaker 2:But let's just talk about taking risks. You will never die. You can lose your money. They can take away your money. They can take away your house, take away everything you might be emotional, attached to, but they can't never take away your brain, never. Only you can allow yourself to lose your brain in toxic environments and so on. So I think it's a basic belief system that will, or a mindset shift, a perspective change that can make people really grow into above average, and I believe there is a process for that, which is what I wrote about in my book Above Average.
Speaker 3:I love to think oh, because I've got two children, it's going to be harder for me to spin. As many plates Can everybody get above average? Do men and women see it differently from who you meet as well?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I will counter question you Is there anyone out there with families, well-functioning families, full of love, full of harmony, full of peace, full of understanding, that are above average? Yes or no? Absolutely yes, so that's possible, full of understanding that are above average?
Speaker 3:Yes or no? Absolutely yes, so that's possible. Yeah, that's the answer. Okay, and now I feel the energy is rising. Let's go Talk to me about how you know you're so well-written. You're bringing science into your coaching as well. How do you keep yourself going and where do you draw your resources from?
Speaker 2:So definitely, it's a constant education, it's a constant curiosity, it's a constant study lifestyle. So I do have rituals which I have plugged in at least 30 to 60 minutes of studying every day. So that definitely keeps me on top. And also, I constantly try to figure out people's patterns, because we are emotional beings and we navigate in patterns. That's how we work and I constantly try to figure out the person I need to speak with. What is that person's pattern of understanding? And I'm going to talk spirituality. Well, here I have to come up with some science, you know, because spirituality and accountancy, that brain doesn't work well with something that's too flummy or hippie-ish. So I try to understand people's perspective, I try to put myself in their eyes and look at me. From of conversation, tons of mistakes, tons of rejections, tons of misunderstandings and a lot of studying on basic human behavior and basic human psychology and the history of human evolution. So I've been all around.
Speaker 3:Absolutely, and where is this going to sort of take you, because you had a really successful entrepreneurial career at the very start, some huge online businesses, right, and are you looking to grow more brands or now pure fulfillment from here on in?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I had a driver in my younger years that was fear-based, which was you know, I need to perform to be loved. You know, I thought that was how it worked and that was quite negative because I come from it's a typical entrepreneurial story. I was bullied, I didn't have money. That story was, that was me, and that turned into, instead of getting rid of that, it's a big driver, like the fucking watch me driver. It's a huge driver but it can turn into a negative side of self-disbelief, negative self-talk and all these. There's no love in that, until I realized that love is always there. Love is always there and I don't have to perform to love anyone. And I transmuted that driver into wanting to inspire people Wanting to inspire people. So that's what I'm doing now and, as I'm building my coaching business, I'm just trying to inspire people.
Speaker 2:The last thing I've done I had a give you a good example I had a boxing class which I put on my YouTube channel. I took a boxing class and I suck, I suck. I'm slow, I don't have the reflexes in my muscle memory. I will get beaten if I go into a sparring match. But I told my coach how many months do I need to take a match. How many months he looked at me. I think I need to see you a couple more times, okay. And then I said to him let's do that, let's set up a match, let's make a thing out of it, let's film it on YouTube and let's go for it.
Speaker 2:And that is my life purpose is to inspire people. To get back to your questionnaire, so definitely. To get back to your questionnaire, so definitely. I do have a huge hunger for creating. I like to create and while building my brand and following my path of passion, which is helping people to get the best out of them. Of course, I'd love to engage in companies and be involved in companies where I can make a difference, but right now, it's more important for me to inspire as many people in the world, and I can only do that by inspiring myself only.
Speaker 3:I love that, mike. I think it's wonderful to see other people's dreams come true as well, and for anyone out there who is scared to start, who doesn't know where to begin, it's all possible. Mike, where can people find you if they want to get on board?
Speaker 2:They can find me on Instagram Microdor. They can find me on YouTube Microdor. They can find me on LinkedIn Microdor. I don't believe my TikTok is up and running yet. I don't have a super big team right now, but on all social medias within two years they'll find me.
Speaker 3:But those three is definitely my main channels where I post content very very often Cool guys Go, look Mic up and the show is with One Golden Nugget. And you're a co-author coming up soon in a new book with Mr Joe Foster.
Speaker 2:That's right.
Speaker 3:Okay, when's that book coming out?
Speaker 2:I believe we're aiming for this year. So hopefully in the end of November, I believe. But it's written, it's done, yeah, published very soon.
Speaker 3:Okay, and for the listeners out there, what's the book about?
Speaker 2:It's a book about co-authors telling our story from, you know, survive to thrive. So it's this, you know, warrior fighter stories where we all came from nothing or we went through all this shit and we took that shit into a great fundament to build a beautiful garden full of flowers, I believe. But life is like that. I believe you need to suffer in life. I believe that, and I don't believe that in a negative way, and suffering means you just have to push your limits. And that's what I'm doing constantly, which I'm doing right now, and people might look at me as successful, but I don't see myself as successful. I just see myself playing a game of life, and then you decide what that life should be about, and I honestly believe life is about love.
Speaker 3:You know, take care of love everyone, show love and harmony to everyone and the rest what I do is totally up to me and I just like to, I just like to challenge myself. A lot Stuff, mike. Well, mike, listen. We wish you all the well on your journey. Have you got a one golden nugget for life that you want to close the show on? Definitely.
Speaker 2:Definitely the one golden nugget is for you to become extremely aware of that. Your brain is totally reshapable Neuroplasticity neuroscience has confirmed it. Neuroplasticity neuroscience has confirmed it. So what they talked about in the Secret or what Bob Proctor talked about, or everyone we believe, was spiritual weirdos, what they're talking about is real. So your brain is so reprogrammable, so you can reprogram your brain with the way you think, with the way you talk, and emphasize that a lot. So if you are a person right now and you probably maybe you don't have confidence, that's because you speak to yourself in a way that doesn't give you confidence. So by changing your thoughts and the way you talk to yourself, you will change your belief systems. So you can become a totally new person within a matter of weeks and that's doable.
Speaker 3:And I just want everyone to know that. Well, the energy in the studio today has been electric. Um another incredible guest, another young thought leader of the future as well, mike.
Speaker 2:Thanks for coming in again, mate thank you so much for having me and your, your amazing words about me. Yeah, thank you you're welcome.
Speaker 3:Everyone else tune. Everyone else tune in. The Success Nugget continues.
Speaker 1:Join David and his incredible guests next time on the Success Nuggets podcast and to find out more, visit onegoldennuggetcom. Thank you for listening.